793 SE 46th Ave
Amarillo, Tx

Give Us A Call
(806) 318-3820

793 SE 46th Ave
Amarillo, Tx

Give Us A Call
(806) 318-3820





ProCrete’s safety program is designed for active participation by the entire project team. All our employees are responsible for accident prevention and reduction of on-the-job injuries. We believe that success in accident reduction lies in planning ahead. At ProCrete, we make every effort to cultivate a positive safety attitude at every level. Our outstanding safety record reflects our dedication to building a culture of safety – from the President to employees in the field. At every job site, safety awareness is an integral component in any endeavor we undertake. At ProCrete, our employees share a willingness to uphold the highest safety standards, which helps us provide the safest and healthiest work environment in the industry. A copy of our comprehensive Safety Program is available for our clients upon request.

ProCrete’s Safety Objectives Include:

  • Promoting the safety and well-being of each employee and his/her family
  • Eliminating personal injury based on the belief that “injury-free” projects can and should occur
  • Encouraging recommendations for improvements to safety throughout the company and the project
  • Establishing individual responsibility for the safety program on each project, reaching all levels from the project manager to the workforce

Key Elements of ProCrete’s Safety Program:

  • Company safety and health manual
  • Drug and alcohol testing program
  • Supervisor and employee training programs
  • New employee orientation
  • Accident and injury reporting system with follow-up corrective measures
  • Site-specific Safety, Health, Injury and Illness Prevention Program

Reinforcement of ProCrete’s Safety through the current implementation of the following:

  • Frequent safety review of jobs by our Corporate Safety Director
  • Weekly tool-box safety meetings
  • Daily pre-work safety meetings to cover the work tasks and associated hazards
  • Safety training provided applicable to the project scope of work
  • Work plans which incorporate safety training and planning
  • Safety violation forms to document employee violations
  • 3rd party safety auditing and training

We are ready to work for you! call us at 806-318-3820